[Vwdiesel] Head lights 91 Jetta

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Nov 11 17:28:58 PST 2007

In a message dated 11/11/2007 4:15:18 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net writes:

> Imagine a general driving public so uneducated that airbags are necessary 
> to 
> keep it's people safe ;-)

 From the looks of my Passat when I got it, it'd have never been 
totaled if not for the air bags.  The rest of the damage didn't seem 
to be beyond the protective ability of seat belts.  Didn't appear to 
have been a passenger in the car either yet that seat belt was 
deployed and then the controller has to be replace whenever they 
go off, as well.

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