[Vwdiesel] 4 to 5 speed

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Tue Nov 13 15:32:26 PST 2007

Rudy wrote:
> I'm looking far and wide for a set of 5 spd linkage and a 5 spd Transmission
> Mount for an A1 car.  Anybody have these parts that they'd like to part
> with?  Thanks.
> Rudy

You might try German Auto Parts, they should have a shifter rebuild kit w/ most of the 
linkage and the mounts.  Or a junkyard: http://www.car-part.com/ or I can make 5-speed 
including an extension for the short 4-speed selector lever:
4-speed lever has the stud where the black circle is, extension makes the lever as long as 
the 5-speed lever.  Cost is $25.00, simple bolt-on installation.



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