[Vwdiesel] New TDI engine vs last years.

RedMerk at aol.com RedMerk at aol.com
Thu Nov 29 19:59:02 PST 2007

I have owned a 2001, 2003, 2005, and a 2006.  The '01, '03, and '05  
consistently got 48 to 55 mpg and I put over 100,000 on each of them.  The  '06 never 
gets above 44 mpg and it has just over 88,000 plus miles.  A lot  more power 
for acceleration, but fuel mileage is terrible on this '06.  My  driving speeds 
have not changed.  I typically run between 75 and 80 mph  most of the time, 
and nearly all interstate roadways.  If I could find a  low mileage 2001 or 
2003, I would be sorely tempted to trade.  The '01 was  the best, with mileage run
ning between a low of 51 mpg and on occasion as high  as 62 mpg.  All 
vehicles had a manual transmissions and the usual G L  appointments.  The only extra 
appointment on this one is an X-M receiver  built into the radio.  I average 
just over 80,000 miles per year on my VW  TDI's.

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