[Vwdiesel] 1.6L Diesel Compression

Val Christian val at mongo.mongobird.com
Sat Nov 24 21:01:19 PST 2007

I agree with Loren, but I have used the gauge testing bad cylinders
with some oil.  One really doesn't want to use too much oil,
because it can affect the compression by displacement.  I've 
metered it out to about 5ml, if that helps anyone.

A leak down is better.

Then you can listen around and here the leaks...like in the 
exhaust pipe, etc.  

Having said all this...I've owned VW diesels since they first 
came out in the 70's, and of the ones I've bought new, I haven't 
had rings go in the first 500,000 miles.  The exhaust guides
get loose at 150 to 200,000.  

>   Problem is you're supposed to check compression on a hot 
> engine.  Add oil, plug the one hole with a compression gauge 
> and viola!  You get compression ignition using the oil as fuel!
>   Not likely to happen you say?  I had it happen on a Stock, 
> Ford 302.  Pegged the gauge and it stuck there.  Trust me, 
> I'll not ever try it on a diesel (so long as I'm actually thinking 
> about what I'm doing!)
>      Loren

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