[Vwdiesel] trunk Water Leaks (Erik Lane)

The President quantum-man at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Oct 1 15:44:46 PDT 2007

I'd like to add a couple more water sources that I have found in my 15 years 
of Quantum ownership...
The rear lights rarely leak but they have been known to as they are in 
direct path of the channeled water from the hatch door on both the 
'fastback' and the Wagon.... But what then happens is the hidden storage 
areas rot out at the bottom.
Sorry back to the new 'water springs':

The carpets are partly held in place by tapes that go under the inner door 
seals. Little pieces of tape can go beyond the seal and drape in the water 
that runs along the sill [not sure what you guys call it] the ledge under 
the door. Cappilliary action sucks the water up  and undr the impervious 
carpet and soak into the sound deadening material [not the tar stuff] and 
makes its way to the back of the car.

The other spot is on the front wheel arches...

Looking under the hood to the area where the windscreen motor is; the water 
that enters over the lip of the body infront of the windscreen flows over 
the jelly mat and runs into drain holes by the wheel arches a little bigger 
that a mans thumb. Loooking very closely it will be seen that this area is 
'sealed with tar. Underneath are the edges of 3 layers of spotwelded steel. 
The water penetrates this edge after many years and runs down the wheel arch 
  on the inside of the car. Pulling the carpet and insulation away will 
reveal the water stain. Get someone to hose the windscreen and watch the 
This latent defect that potentially appears at anytime according to the 
application, or health of the tar at this point;  may continue for many 
years, and is actually a testimony to the general quality of the treated 
steel of the Volkeswagons... ie a lesser brand would have rotted through 
donkey's years ago :o)


>From: "Erik Lane" <eriklane at gmail.com>
>To: "paul lew" <biovolks at yahoo.com>
>CC: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] trunk Water Leaks (Erik Lane)
>Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 13:53:07 -0700
>I will look there, too. Thanks. But I KNOW it's at least coming in at the
>seam, since I've seen it do that. It would be nice to get this all sealed 
>before the worst of the rain hits. I think we're supposed to have some
>decent days towards the end of this week...
>On 10/1/07, paul lew <biovolks at yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> > I used to have the trunk leaking problem in my jetta,
> >   it turns out it was leaking between the seal between the tail light
> > assembly and the car
> >   body.
> >   It travels from the channel  on the out side of the trunk seal down to
> > on top of the tail
> >   light ,and into the trunk
> >   Paul
> >
> >
> > Ooh, now that's a real possibility! I get water in the trunk too - my 
> > rear quarterpanel is smashed a bit. I didn't think that the damage would
> > leak like it does sometimes so I kept looking for water to be going the
> > other way - from the passenger compartment backwards, not the other way
> > around. But one day I found that the seam between quarterpanel and the
> > rear
> > of the car has come apart just a little and water comes in that way. I
> > never
> > even thought to look for water migrating from the trunk forwards.
> >
> > Loren - the plastic is not quite attached at the bottom, but it does
> > overlap
> > the metal of the door so I thought that it would be ok. I'll have to 
> > another look at it and test it. Thanks!
> >
> > Thanks to both of you!
> > Erik
> >
> >
> >
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