[Vwdiesel] Oil leaking from base of vacuum pump

Sandy Cameron scameron at storm.ca
Thu Oct 4 11:55:19 PDT 2007

At 01:23 PM 04/10/2007 -0500, you wrote:
>I am attempting to fix oil leaks on my '82 Rabbit diesel car.  I have a
>pretty large leak of oil from the base of the vacuum pump.  Is it pretty
>simple to remove/replace?  Where is the best place to find a new gasket
>which I assume needs replacing?

Its an O ring, pump is held in by a clamp held by one bolt.

The O ring perishes after a few years and needs to be replaced.

Remove the bolt holding the clamp.

Lift the clamp off.

Grasp the pump body (you may want to remove the hoses, but its not really
and lift out with a twisting motion.

I think the O ring is in a groove on the pump base, but may be in a recess
around the hole in the block.

Should be available from a dealer for a few cents ( HA HA!).
Or take your old one to a bearing shop and match it.

It does not matter how the gear meshes when you replace the pump, but it is
important to get the slot in the bottom of the gear properly aligned to the
drive tab of the oil pump, which you can see down the hole

2 things:

1 The pump gear will turn a little as you insert it and the spiral-cut gears
mesh, so you have to "Pre-Guess" where the slot will be when it gets to the
oil pump tab, and add a bit of "reverse pre-twist" to the gear before
insertion. Might take a few tries. Don't force it

2 It's been a while since I did one, but I seem to remember that the oil
pump drive tab is off-set a bit from centre. If so, you must make sure the
V-pump slot is rotated to match. 
Only fits one way. 


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