Rolf Pechukas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Tue Oct 23 06:10:41 PDT 2007

>> Smarter?   Better looking?
> Worse.  Isn't that Rolf Pechukas?
> -james

guilty as charged (dumb and ugly)
in my defense, this was working great for 6 months
and it's been done by lots of other dumb ugly guys:
(of course, it's how ALL engines used to be lubricated - 'Castol' =  
castor oil)

they make high-stability high-oleic acid VO these days which is  
designed for high-heat long-term use w/o polymerization
that stuff worked great in my engine

if I hadn't been distracted by more pressing issues (sister in the  
hospital for 4 months), I don't think I would have forgotten to check  
which I think was my main mistake here

and when I get this thing cleared out, I am going back to running SVO  
in the sump
so sue me

(and I don't think my AAB has pushrods, BTW)

Rolf in MA

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