[Vwdiesel] Anyone know how to use the VW210 TB tension gauge?

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 4 14:24:10 EDT 2007

Tool fingers are 51mm apart and 82mm overall width.

The President <quantum-man at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:  
The Klann tools site gives the following information:
1 rev of knob is 1 mm of thrust. 1mm of thrust is 10 Newtons. Thus tension 
is 130 Newtons.


130N x 0.0981 =kg =12.75kg for a 13mm deflection.
This is approx 2.2 x 12.75 lb or 28lb for a 13mm deflection.
However at an estimate of distance between gauge fingers of 1/3 of belt 
length between cam and pump; I suggest deflection with a fish scale would be 
13mm @ 9lb pull "ball-park" ... Maybe 1/4 @6lb :o)

Kneale can you measure distance between fingers?


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