[Vwdiesel] Know anything about "Diesel Secret"?

David Schwarze dschwarze at dfwair.net
Thu Apr 24 19:57:47 PDT 2008

I believe the VW manual specifies that you can thin #2 diesel with up to 
30% unleaded gasoline if necesesary (presumably when it is very cold). 
I use this as license to mix filtered WVO with unleaded, which thins it 
out nicely.  I have never gone beyond 20% unleaded and this was in a 
Mercedes diesel, not a VW.  Worked fine.  This blend will stay thin down 
to at least 40 degree temps and has the advantage of NOT causing wax to 
precipitate out and coat the inside of your gas tank as will happen with 
a WVO/diesel blend.  If you google this mixture you will find many 
people running it.

To answer your question, I don't think a small amount of any "additive" 
will thin WVO enough to run straight... but why bother anyway when 
unleaded works so well?  I think my eventual mixture in the turbobus 
will be about 10% unleaded combined with heating the fuel supply line 
via the exhaust.  That should be adequate for the climate here in Dallas.


William J Toensing wrote:
> Does anyone know anything good or bad about the Diesel Secret WVO additive? The web address is www.dieselsecret.com . They claim that their additive will allow you to use properly filtered waste vegetable oil as you would ordinary diesel fuel or biodiesel, at a cost of .46 cents a gallon, assuming you can find waste vegetable oil from restaurants, for free, by using their additive. I have contacted local restaurants but they say their oil has already been spoken for. I have seen some adds for "Diesel Secret" on the "Speed TV channel, so I assume some of you must have heard of it too. Some say, just go to the back of a restaurant & take it without permission. But this is stealing & I refuse to do this. 

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