[Vwdiesel] injector pump shutoff solenoid wiring

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 25 06:57:04 PDT 2008

Looks like the wire from the solenoid goes to the connector on the back of the engine pictured here:  http://www.pbase.com/kneale_brownson/image/96127260
  Anyone know which of the wires from the connector goes to the ignition switch?  I really hate poking wires with test lights.
  Can I take the connector apart and test on the internal connections?  Or will opening this connector result in an even worse mess???

Kneale Brownson <knealeski at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
  I've determined the wiring to the shutoff solenoid on the injection pump of my '94 Jetta TD is not working. I can start the car using a jumper from the battery.

Anyone know where the solenoid gets its power from? I know the ignition switch is supposed to supply 12 volts to the solenoid, but through what pathway? 

Can I safely run the car with the solenoid jumpered directly to the battery?
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