[Vwdiesel] injector pump shutoff solenoid wiring

S. Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Sun Apr 27 12:25:48 PDT 2008

James Hansen wrote:
> Just in case it hasn't been mentioned, I'll do so.
> The wire is direct from keyswitch  UNFUSED.  If you short this wire to 
> ground, it is bad.
> Every last one should have some kind of mechanical restraint (zip tie, 
> etc)on the wire to keep vibration from killing the wire where it is 
> crimped on, then it falls off, and shorts, and all the smoke escapes 
> from the wiring harness from keyswitch to solenoid.
> I second the wiring harness connector nomination for the "POS Award" as 
> made by Sandy.
> -james

Been there, done that.  '85 Jetta, late on a dark rainy night an hour 
and a half from home.  You can make that wire glow like a light bulb 
filament.  I figure I was seconds from burning up the car and starting a 
very long walk home.

I guess I need to go check my turbo oil lines now too....


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