[Vwdiesel] 1.9 td aaz update

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Wed Aug 6 23:27:25 PDT 2008

> Now to the questions I have. I finally got the injection pump back
> and put everything on it. My oil temp said 203, 

A little high, but not terribly so.

my boost was about 10
> psi when I needed it

Surprising, with 300 degree exhaust you should only get a few pounds boost.

  and my exhaust temp gauge said just 300 the
> whole time while my coolant gauge almost red lined while going up a
> hill while going to interstate speeds.

Get all the air out of the system?

  This was in a few miles. Isn't
> the oil temp a little high? What would cause the EGT (exhaust gas
> temp) gauge to malfunction and only go to 300? It goes to zero with
> the key off since it is a sensor. Would it be a short in the wires?

Hit the end of the probe with a propane torch and see what's up.

> These are Auto meter gauges so it isn't like I went with cheaply
> built ones.

Well, not poorly marketed ones anyway.
Autometer make several different quality levels and the price doesn't 
always reflect that.  I've killed a mechanical temp gauge in the stock 
car, autometer or not, I have a longacre gauge in now, we'll see how 
that lasts.
I'm quite fond of Isspro egt gauges however.  Very nicely made.

  Also I think my Carquest oil pressure gauge must not work
> the best as it reads under 30 psi the whole time. It seemed low with
> my other engine also so I am thinking that it is just that that one
> is a cheap gauge maybe. 

Electric or mechanical?  Rare is the failed mechanical gauge, unless 
thay are truly a POS.

My boost, EGT, and oil temp gauges are all
> Autometer while my oil press and volt gauges (soon to be replaced
> with matching Autometer) are carquest and the coolant temp it just
> the stock VW as I am running out of room for any more gauges. I am
> hoping I may have just shorted a wire and maybe my thermostat isn't
> working right. I didn't test it yet. Also, I only put water in for
> the test run just in case I did need to pull it all apart again.
> Would that also make it run hotter? 

No, it will make it run cooler.
Water carries more heat than glycol.  Yes, I know glycol boils at a 
higher temperature, but for cooling, water carrys away more heat given 
similar pumped volume.

And the pump feels like it may
> have been turned down as the car doesn't smoke at all and it seems
> like it doesn't have the power it should have. If I turned the pump
> up some would that cool it down some? I just want a long cool woman in a black dress.

Finished that sentence for you...

Get the egt working, then you'll know.  you want 1100 egt at peak power 
output, foot to the floor, climbing the big hill, trunk full of concrete 
blocks, headwind, four passengers, dragging a motorhome.  Then you can't 
kill it in normal driving, or rather, your friend won't kill it when he 
borrows it and drives up the big hill.

> At least I am not in a rush anymore. I broke down and bought a 2004
> Golf TDI. If anyone has any tips/problems or any other info for me on
> this car also on anything I should know that would be great. Thanks
> everyone.
> Travis G

Congrats on the new car.  It will spoil you.

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