[Vwdiesel] 1.9 td aaz update

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Thu Aug 7 02:06:55 PDT 2008

Don't know if it applies to your engine, but back in 1979 I bought a then new Rabbit diesel. I believe in extra gages & a year later, installed a mechanical oil pressure gage. The first read 0-100 & would peg at start up but would fall to 30 psi when warm & idling. I then replaced the 100 psi gage with a 200 psi gage from an auto racing parts store. The needle would still peg on start up but would quickly fall to 100 psi as the engine started to warm up. On my '81 Dasher diesel which I think has the same engine as my '79 Rabbit had, the aftermarket 80 psi oil pressure gage will strongly peg at start up but at warm idle shows 15 psi. 
My '82 Quantum TD does not have an oil pressure gage - yet. Eventually, I plan to add  pyrometer, boost, oil pressure, volt, & extra water temp gages. Does the Quantum TD have the early start up oil pressure like the earlier VW diesels? If so, this will influence the type of oil pressure gage I buy.

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