[Vwdiesel] TDI Injector Life...

Gary Bangs gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Wed Aug 13 04:21:26 PDT 2008

Replace or have rebuild... it doesn't matter as the wear parts are 
replaced with new anyway, then bench tested to factory spec.

You can probably even get by just replacing the nozzles yourself without 
pop testing. It is really easy to do.

There are a write or two at TDIClub and/or Kerma detailing how to do this.


Gerry Wolfe wrote:
> Saw an earlier post about injector life on TDI's... 50 - 100K was time to overhaul or replace?
> Bought a '97 A3 TDI over the winter, now has about 240K km on in, came with complete service / maintenance records.  Injectors are original, have never been serviced or overhauled.
> I'm currently getting low-50 mpg (Imp gallons) with city/hiway driving, got a best of 63mpg on full hiway driving.
> What really impressed me: climbed the Malahat hiway on Vancouver Island with 4 passengers and too much luggage -- set the cruise control at the speed limit (80kph) in 5th gear and the engine didn't even seem to work at it... passed a bunch of other cars in the process.  Previously, I had to downshift to 4th gear, run full throttle and put out a smokescreen with my '91 TD.
> GerryWolfe at Shaw.ca
> www.members.shaw.ca/GerryWolfe/
> 90% of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.
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