[Vwdiesel] 1.9 AAZ td update

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 17 20:54:51 PDT 2008

Well I found out what was wrong with my engine over heating and the gauges. The over heating was the 2nd new radiator I bought. I am wondering how when I bought the car it had a bad radiator so with a new radiator (number 1) and a rebuild engine it over heated and then with a different engine and new radiator (number 2) it still was over heating. 
So after taking it to the place I bought the radiator from (only works on cooling systems including for the local mines) he proved to me that his radiator was working. Yet once I took in on the highway it over heated. I will be taking it back to him now since I switched the radiator from my truck into it (downing my truck now but at least have my car). Looks like I am in the market for yet another "new" radiator. 
With the gauges. They did work once I turned my lights off (my first test drive it was dark). Found out when I mounted the gauge pod on the A pillar it cut one of the grounds (which I hooked all into one and it was hooked up to the dash lights so once the lights when on the gauges shorted out. Long story short it works. And boy is it a powerful and fun car now. Makes the Big Horn MTS easy to go on now. 
One question for the Golf I bought. Turns out that a glow plug is going out. They said they had to replace one already (which I just replace all of them and will be now). So here is my questions. How much do I torque them down to? Is there any easy way to get this all done (I am new to the whole TDI thing)? They said number 2 glow plug was done. Which side is that on (as in is number one the pass side or drivers side)?
Thanks for everyone's help with everything. 
Travis G
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