[Vwdiesel] underdrive pulleys

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Thu Aug 28 21:42:44 PDT 2008

under drive pulleys have there place, but not on a diesel vw. In theory 
they do what they are supposed to, decrease system drag and help the 
HP. Largely used in the drag racing community, at least I did back in 
the '80s.  The cooling system of our beloved diesels can be finicky. 
they were engineered to have a certain flow volume to optimize thermal 
transfer. Decrease that flow and you "could" have better transfer but 
not enough volume to aid cooling effectively. { think of a bad water 
pump that's not flowing enough coolant}  Not having tested under drive 
pulleys, I don't have a real hard and fast answer except to say stick 
with stock.
On Aug 28, 2008, at 12:55 PM, adamo robison wrote:

> opinions on underdrive pulleys. i don't know anything. i think theyre 
> just for accesorries. would turning the water pump slower help 
> cooling, the water remains in read longer? is that crazy. would it 
> help HP.
> thanks
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