[Vwdiesel] Thanks for the advice
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Tue Dec 2 21:39:05 PST 2008
decker at toledotel.com wrote:
> I don't think you will cure your run problem by fixing the cold start
> valve leak. If you take the pump off then replacing the two o-rings that
> will stop the leak on the cold start shaft. It is a piece of cake.
It is, yes.
As I
> stated earlier I got my cold start shaft and collar out while the pump was
> on the Dasher but it is a tight squeeze getting any tools and your hand down
> there.
But to someone new to this, it's not a task I'd recommend to start out
with. It takes a fair bit of clever and perseverance to do it in situ.
More time wasted than to just R&R the pump to do the good bits.
Rarely are the internal parts of the pump the problem when it comes
> to starting or running problems. It might have it's idle adjustment wrong or
> it's full throttle adjustment wrong or it's fueling screw adjusted wrong.
Or the fulcrum lever worn out of tolerance, or the vane charge pump worn
out so pump case pressure is low putting advance and fuel curve out of
spec, or the input shaft seals leaking air INTO the pump but no fuel out
when it sits idle. It happens. these are pretty old pumps that have been
in service for quite a while.
> It may be that it is timed to the engine wrong but I seriously doubt that
> your problems are caused by anything wrong with the pump internally. If I
> expect it is gooey internally I run a can of Lubra-Moly Diesel Purge through
> it to clean it out. If you take it off and send it out to be rebuilt most
> likely all that is going to happen is that you spend a few hundred bucks and
> it comes back spotlessly clean with new seals.
Lubro moly is good stuff, but rebuilding it also comes back with no air
leaks, which is exactly what is happening at present. If one seal is
fuggered, guarantee it has friends waiting in line soon to follow. A
rebuild/ reseal at this point eliminates a lot of variables.
Not totally a bad idea but if
> all that is leaking is the o-ring on the cold start shaft that is a lot to
> pay for something you can fix yourself.
However, the chance you wind up pulling the pump again to redo more
seals is pretty good. If your time is cheap, spend it. Sometimes money
spent yields well.
> Brian Decker
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Iain Hunter" <sagspottery at tiscali.co.uk>
> To: "VWfans" <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 4:28 PM
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Thanks for the advice
>> Thanks for your advice everyone.
>> I had the chance to look at the tank, and it looks as though the whole
> area
>> around the fuel line junction was badly corroded, and came away when he
>> tried to remove the fuel line (although I don't know how much force he
>> used!!!).
>> I have paid the guy, but will never take another car to him again, as he
> has
>> not fixed the problem and now he knows it's the pump, has passed the buck
>> back to me.
>> I've decided to take your advice and stick with the motor in the van at
> the
>> moment, as it was running fine up until the recent cold spell and was
>> returning a healthy 30-35 MPG, even when the van was full of camping
> equipment. It also has
>> receipts for new pistons, bearings, head and a re-bore about 50,000 miles
>> ago that the last owner carried out, so in theory, it should be fine?
>> I'm going to take my pump down to a local expert to assess. If it turns
> out
>> that he quotes mega-money then i'll try and fix it myself if I can. I
>> have a friend with a spare pump from a 1.6 N/A Golf /Rabbit. Would any
> parts
>> be interchangeable with my pump? I.E. the cold start mechanism. I have
> tried
>> to start the van before without the cold start in winter, and found it
> runs
>> like a pig (It's cold up here int' north) so i'd like to keep it. If the
> pump needs a complete rebuild, then it'll have to wait - the kids need a
> Christmas!
>> The turbo oil return pipes are rusty yes and the manifold gasket will have
>> to be replaced, but dropping in another motor could introduce other
>> problems, (like you say), and besides when this one goes bang, i'd like to
>> have a 5ltr V10 TDI sat there ready and waiting!
>> Joking aside though, it's a shame this has happened, as otherwise that van
>> is a beauty and has never before let me down, despite it's age.
>> I'll keep you posted on the pump.
>> Iain.
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