[Vwdiesel] Free (gas) fuse block

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Sat Dec 27 20:06:39 PST 2008

I have been cleaning my desk this evening and found an old fuse block.  
It was one that was sent to me by mistake (from the Parts Place in Mi, 
go figure) and fits a gas Rabbit from 75-77.  Part number 
171-941-821-A.  Needless to day, I needed the DIESEL one.  As happens 
with me, I waited too long to return it and now, 15 years later, I 
really should pass it on.  Briefly installed, otherwise new.  There's a 
little corrosion on one lug that a piece of sandpaper will take care 
of.  Includes a compleat set of fuses.  Like I said, free, just need the 
cost of shipping. 

First e-mail response gets it and I won't publicize the fact that you 
own a g at s car :)


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