[Vwdiesel] '82 Jetta charging issue

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 6 07:21:56 PST 2008

On the Corrado list, a popular alternator mod is the
Transpo Adjustable Voltage Regulator.  The part number
they use on the Corrado G60 (which should fit on a lot
of Bosch Rabbit alternators--in fact after a pulley
change, I had a Corrado alternator on a Rabbit for
awhile) looks like IB373A.  I guess you can turn the
voltage output up to nearly 15 volts if you want.  

When I went back and searched the email for
information, I found one email talking about an issue
with fatigued rivits and a resulting wire break, but
that was the only complaint, the rest is all good.

I found this as a source of somewhere to order it for

Metropolitan Distributors
60 Columbus Avenue
Garfield, NJ 07026-3850
Local: 973-772-3320
Toll Free: 1-800-562-6975
Fax: 973-772-3232
www.metrodist. com


--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 2/5/2008 2:36:26 PM Pacific
> Standard Time, 
> george.allison at gmail.com writes:
> > I've now had 3 alternators in the car (original
> old Motorola, and then
> > two rebuilt Bosches from NAPA, the first of which
> literally exploded
> > under the hood on the highway). None of them has
> ever charged at more
> > than about 13.6v, measured at the battery while
> running with no other
> > current consumers turned on. Is that
> characteristic of VW diesels?
> > Every other car I've ever owned was further up in
> the 14.5 range or
> > thereabouts. If that was too low, what would cause
> it to be
> > continually like that -- bad connections? Would
> that kill the
> > alternators as well?
> > 
>   I've been told of and personally seen issues with
> NAPA alts 
> and starters.  As I recall, my 914 only put out
> 13.6V to 13.8V 
> and it seems VW as well as Audi tend to be close to
> that as 
> well.  On some of the Rabbits there were issues with
> the alt 
> wiring, where it goes across the rad core support. 
> There were 
> several places that sold an "upgrade" wiring harness
> piece that 
> replaced the wiring from the alt to the battery.  As
> Val 
> suggested, check the ground and wiring, connections
> from the 
> alt to the battery.  You may need a ground to the
> alt.  Use a 
> jumper cable to test if it helps.
>   The Motorola (and Bosch I think also) have the
> brushes in the 
> regulator pack and are sold as a unit.  If you have
> access to 
> a brush source, you can indeed solder in new ones. 
> Back when 
> a 55A alt was the "big" one, regulators were cheap
> enough it 
> wasn't hardly worth it.
>     Loren
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