[Vwdiesel] NPR: Carmakers revamp diesels as clean machines

Stephen Kraus ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 05:20:55 PST 2008

They also sported a few less than true facts, such as diesel taking more to
make (my understanding was that it takes less oil to make as diesel is
almost crude) And diesel can practically run crude oil can they not?

On Feb 7, 2008 12:40 AM, Andrew Buc <AndrewBuc at staxman.net> wrote:

> Interesting piece, but I was sorry not to hear any mention of biodiesel:
> http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18556286
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Stephen T. Kraus Jr.
Home: (423)326-9359
UB3RATL4Sf00 at gmail.com;

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