[Vwdiesel] audi door locks malfunctioning

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Tue Feb 26 12:37:35 PST 2008

Check the wiring harness in the door hinge area by pulling back the 
rubber accordion hose away from the jamb side.
The vacuum line goes through there, cracks and raises ten kinds of hell, 
but you can usually hear them leaking (sucking vacuum).
The signal wires also get cracked, and can be shorting across to another 
bare one, causing all sorts of weird things- turn on the stereo, the 
doors lock etc.  There is a live wire in there too to the window and 
door switches- it shorts across bare exposed wires and freaks out things 
if so.
When there wer issues with the 97 passat, the right rear door had NO 
wires that were not mangled.

Sandy Cameron wrote:
> At 12:03 PM 26/02/2008 -0800, you wrote:
>> So in the last couple weeks the door locks on my 1980 Audi 5000s have
>> started to act up.  Since owning it the vacuum door lock hasn't worked, but
>> now when i go to manually lock any of the doors, the door in front or behind
>> the one unlocks.  So I can't lock any of the doors now!
>> I guess this is a vacuum modulator issue, but can anyone give me some tips
>> on this?   Unlocked doors in downtown seattle aren't the best idea.
> As a short term solution, until you can get at it, disconnect the compressor
> in the trunk, usually hidden behind the upholstry on one (left?) side. There
> is a 3 wire connector close to or on it.
> This will stop all "automatic"  lock activity and permit you to lock all
> doors individually, manually.
> Now, If I could just stop the drivers side window on my A3 from opening when
> ever I start the engine !
> Sandy
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