Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Wed Feb 27 16:16:59 PST 2008

Chris Jude wrote:
> Sorry for yelling, but i'm a bit frustrated.  I've got the odometer out on
> my '80 Audi 5000S and am trying to get to the shaft for the tripometer to
> rough it out some so I can have a working odometer.  It seems like i need to
> get the face plate off to get in there enough to remove the shaft, but i
> cant remove the spedometer needle.  Maybe i'm approaching this the wrong
> way.  I figured I'd come to y'all for some advice.
> There is a small screw on the backside of the needle, but I can't get to
> it.  Probably because I shouldnt.
> Is there a better way to get to the shaft in question?

Not sure on the Audi, but on my old VW, I pried the speedo needle off with a pair of flat 
blades (butter knives or similar).  Put one on each side of the needle and lift it up 
carefully and equally from both sides.  It was pressed onto a knurled section of the 
shaft.  Take note of where it points to so you can put it back on the right place.



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