[Vwdiesel] pedal bracket A2

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 17 19:40:43 PST 2008

It is amazing to me how many times I hear of the
clutch bracket breaking on the Cabriolet forums, and
how little I hear of it here.

Over there, a very common fix is to simply weld a very
large washer to the fire wall and essentially stop
using the bracket.  The washer replaces it.

A small amount of digging in the Cabriolet forums on
vwvortex.com should yield more details, though there
really isn't much more.


--- "S. Shourds" <sshourds at flash.net> wrote:

> Sandy Cameron wrote:
> > I think I have heard on this forum of problems
> with some VWs  (a1, A2?)
> > where the bracket to which the clutch and brake
> pedals attach, breaks,
> > bends, or gives away.
> >
> > Anyone remember?
> >
> >   
> My A2 bracket died after 310,000 miles.  You can
> tell when it happens.  
> It pops when you push the clutch, the brake pedal
> wanders around 
> everywhere, etc.  I'd honestly rather have the
> transmission go.  I spend 
> a solid day trying to get it out and another one
> trying to get it back 
> in after getting it welded up (in three places). 
> That's a part that 
> they had no idea would break.  Deserves the "No user
> serviceable parts 
> inside" sticker.  Scratched the living daylights out
> of my hands/arms. 
> -Shalyn
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