[Vwdiesel] Fwd: Bad oil change experience.

Chris Jude vegbenz300 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 22:35:33 PST 2008

Yeah, after some research on the mobil 1 site I'm more confused than before
as to what oil to use.  By following their menu selecting the model, year,
and engine they recommended 10w-30, which just seems crazy, but the
description claims it is a diesel weight oil.  Elsewhere on the site they
recommend 15w-50, and the truck suv oil (no weight listed) which apparently
is what they're calling Delvac.
So maybe the 5w-40 he was trying to put in was the right stuff.
What mostly bugged me was how they weren't honestly communicating with me,
telling me they had the oil they didn't have, or that Delo 400 was a
synthetic oil.
They also told me they'd vacuumed the car, which i don't think i would've
wanted them to do, but luckily that wasn't true either...


On Jan 28, 2008 10:18 PM, <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:

> In a message dated 1/28/2008 6:00:18 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> vegbenz300 at gmail.com writes:
> Sorry for the long post,  I guess I'm just amazed at how frustratingly
> easy
> it is to get such bad service.  And it's a big reminder for why I try to
> do
> all my own maintenance.  I guess I'll need to go ahead and buy a new drip
> pan...
>   I get arguments like that nearly EVERY time I shop for tires, sometimes
> batteries, oil if I ask anybody and so on and so on.  I've been told the
> tire I want isn't the right size until I stood it next to the one I was
> replacing and the one he recommended to show him HIS tire was too tall.  I
> get told I CAN'T run 45psi in the front tires of my van but without it I
> can't hardly steer the thing (no PS).  Then they tell me that's why they
> wear out so quickly but I point out I got almost 50K out of a set of 40K
> tires with NO center wear!  A friend used my Audi 5KTD and took it in for
> "whatever" before bringing it back.  They didn't have the longer air filter
> (than a rabbit diesel) so they put in a Rabbit filter and told him it's
> better than a dirty one the right length!  Uhhh, NO, ALL the air will go
> around it through the 4" gap and NO air will be filtered.
>   Yeah, sorry, your story isn't all that unusual.  ;-D  Didn't realize
> they made Mobil 1 in that heavy a weight.  Delvac 1 is the synthetic diesel
> oil (I think).
>     Loren
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