[Vwdiesel] something worth trading the A4 in for

Patrick Dolan pmdolan at sasktel.net
Mon Jul 7 10:06:38 PDT 2008

It is called "brake" horsepower because the first dynomometer used a "pony break" to apply resistance (torque) to the output shaft being measured.

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with inertia.  Inertial dynamometers are a recent trend (most would say abborition) that uses the inertia of a wheel to look at the energy required to go from state "a" to state "b", but not being able to hold the load for a measurement of any variable throttle settings or about a million other things you do with a proper dyno.

Inertial (usually Mustang) dynos are little better than the numbers available from  Vagcom or from a G-Tech Pro.


----- Original Message -----
From: David Schwarze <dschwarze at dfwair.net>
Date: Monday, July 7, 2008 9:40 am
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] something worth trading the A4 in for

> Uh, yes the motore DOES put out more power at higher RPM.  Surely you
> are not serious about that?
> Hold RPM at 1500 and drop the clutch.  Now hold RPM at 4000 and drop
> the clutch.  In which case does the car accelerate faster?
> -----Original message-----
> > Take a flat torque "curve" and simply go to a higher rpm and the 
> > hp will be more. The engine really doesn't put out more power. 
> It 
> > has more inertia. It IS called BRAKE hp. 
> > It's mostly in the perspective you look at it or compare it. :-)
> > Loren
> > 
> > 
> > 
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