[Vwdiesel] No oil pressure & 1.6 rebuild

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 10 23:14:37 PDT 2008

To the person with the no oil pressure after three years. If you actually put that many miles on you would have fried your engine as you would have to have blocked the port going to the engine head or everything would be bad not to mention your turbo. Also you have hydraulic cam lifters that don't need adjusting and shimming because of the oil going to the head. 

With the engine rebuild on the 1.6. I did one last year with about the same miles. You don't need to get oversized rod and main bearings. the crank is constantly throwing oil up and lubricating along with the oil pressure filling the bearings. Plus 5 quarts of oil is a lot for that small of an engine so you should be fine.

You can and should check the clearance with a plasty gauge. You get it at a Napa or some auto place and you lay a strip down and then torque the bolts to the amount that the Bently manual says and then take the bearings back apart (being carefull not to twist the bearings AT ALL) then put the gauging paper up to it and see if it is in spec. 

You may want/need to bore the engine or maybe just get rings and hone it (depending on cylinder where and scooring). You will want to replace the rist pins and bushings (get those bored matching the rist pins) as the rist pins in the rod only get oil splashed on them (not oil pressure on them). 

Another thing may be to replace the intermediat shaft bushings. That should be it. With a new oil pan gasket. Torque to the amount in Bentley book, then retorque 15 minutes later (or it will leak and have loose bolts). Hope this helps.
Travis G

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