[Vwdiesel] Tranny plug magnet-Travis G

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 23 08:48:39 PDT 2008

As some have heard me say that I work at a coal mine. I asked one of our venders about the magnetic drain plugs to see if they have anything for my two vw's. They can get me the tranny drain plugs but I would have to buy 15 from them at $30 a piece. Now I don't really want that much inventory but if other people would like the other 12 (my bother would want one) for there manual transmissions I would love to sell at cost plus the shipping to who ever wants one. I would need a count of people first before I would get them. If I don't get the required amount I just won't get one. I thought that since there isn't really any filtering it never hurts to get the extra metal out of the oil. It is suppose to be one of the strongest magnets made and we use them on all of our cat equipment at the mine. Just let me know.
Travis G
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