[Vwdiesel] Looking for a "watchtower" ;-)/vag cat

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jun 8 19:50:24 PDT 2008

Your link didn't work for me, even as a cut and paste, but I've used a mostly English VAG catalogue from Russia that's pretty good, although not as easily negotiated as the one on my hard drive (which requires desktop resizing).  The on-line is:  http://www.vagcat.com/
LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
  In wanting to test some internal pumps pressure I started looking 
for a piece I've never figured out what it's for. It's kind of a tower/
extension that goes between the injector pump and the return 
banjo fitting. The only ones I've seen were about 2 inches long/
tall or so. I heard of someone ordering one from the dealer and 
it was maybe an inch tall. 
Bad enough wondering what the things are really for (I plan to 
drill and tap for a pressure fitting) but then I finally found them 
in ETKA and there's actually TWO of them! One for NA and one 
for NA with automatic.
In the process, I found a online ETKA catalog some of you might 
be able to find handy. Doesn't look like the site is anywhere near 
english but the parts descriptions still are! :-) It's part 21 in this 

Click here: VAG Catalog
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