[Vwdiesel] starter removal

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jun 18 15:35:06 PDT 2008

  Whoever designed the starter mounting on a 1994 Jetta TD so that the bolts holding the starter in place also holds the engine/transmission assembly to the front motor mount?
  I didn't realize what was going on until I had romoved the two lower bolts and saw that they came out of the mount and the engine had tipped some so I couldn't reinsert the bolts.
  Anyway, I have one of those bridge type devices for holding an engine up as the Bentley shows, but there's only one obvious place to latch onto the engine--the eyehook near the front cylinder.  The Bentley shows another anchorage more toward the middle of the engine, but I don't see anything I'd want to be grabbing.  When I tighten up the anchorage to the front eyehook,  the engine rises up, but the  lower connections to the mount, where I've already removed the bolts,  are skeejawed instead of rising up smoothly.  I have a second hook for the bridge, but I can't figure out where to hook it on the engine that looks substantial enough to take the force of lifting.  Where's the second hook supposed to go?

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