[Vwdiesel] UNSTUCK. Re: Strut bolt stuck.

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Tue Jun 24 22:57:21 PDT 2008

Ah, yes.  Thank you.

I drove an hour round-trip to Sears for a $3 adapter so my little
cordless impact drill could go from a drill-bit hex connector to a 3/8"
square, and then threw on a 1/2" adapter and then a 7/8" socket.  I did
wear eye protection, and it came off in seconds.  I really need to get
some air tools.


On Tue, 2008-06-24 at 20:32 -0700, Roger Brown wrote:
> Will Taygan wrote:
> > 1981 VW 1.6 pickup.
> > 
> > Struts are out of the truck, springs compressed.  I can't loosen the
> > 22mm bolt that holds the insert on.  It doesn't have the allen top, but
> > rather a 7mm flat top.  I've soaked in P'Blaster, bent up the top and
> > broken a 7mm wrench trying to get this off.  I've thought about
> > hacksawing the insert off, and then sticking it all in a vise. Any
> > better ideas?
> > 
> > Will.
> An impact wrench usually does the trick.  Air will work, or probably even an electric one. 
>   I have one of the inexpensive 12v impacts like below:
> 	http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=92349
> and it works surprisingly well.

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