[Vwdiesel] *HELP! Rabbit w/ a broken leg*

Dave Cook davevw at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 3 19:46:08 PST 2008

A friend of mine did something similar on his Passat, except with worse results than the axle swinging down...

He had the axle on the jackstands of the Passat.  He successfully removed the first shock, and went to do the second.  

He was having a hard time with the lower bolt on the second shock, and ended up pounding it out with a hammer or something like that.  He had his head in the wheel well looking down on the bolt from above.

As soon as the bolt was removed, the axle rolled *UP* (rolled on the jackstands) and pinned his head in the wheel well with the rear brake disc.

He was able to work his head out with not much more injury than a couple chipped teeth and some scrapes.  His poor wife had gone to bed and was totally freaked when he came into the house all bloody.  She bought him a baby monitor for when he is working on a car!    

He certainly got lucky that time.  Be careful!


Sandy Cameron <scameron at storm.ca> wrote:
Never remove both shocks at the same time, or the axel may fall down far
enough to damage the brake lines.

Dave Cook
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