[Vwdiesel] It's peak oil, duh. [Fwd: Re: Diesel prices]

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Wed Mar 12 10:12:31 PDT 2008

Maybe not.
I have quite a number of friends that work in the oil and gas industry, 
and not as rig hands either.  Peak oil is a nice concept that sells 
papers, and generates market response at the commodity exchange level 
which is usually the desired effect all along, but in reality, it won't 
be here for quite some time.  QUITE some time.  There is asphaltum 
galore in the tar sands, more oil than all the developed fields have 
produced to date around the world. Yeah, that much.

Unfortunately, suburbia will be here for quite some time.
Perhaps the fear can be used to change usage patterns which would be a 
triumph unto itself.

Will Taygan wrote:
> In other words: it's peak oil, baby..
> In other other words: everybody wants oil, there ain't enough supply and those with the cash will pay more for it.
> My favorite peak oil film is "The End of Suburbia."  It's well made, and uses petroleum experts and international bankers to make the argument rather than the standard greenies.
> The website is a little hyped up, but the film itself is more reasoned and thought-out.
> http://www.endofsuburbia.com/index.htm
> Maybe your local library has a copy.
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