[Vwdiesel] GM V-8 diesels of the '80s

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Fri May 2 08:24:52 PDT 2008

In a message dated 5/2/2008 8:00:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
syncronized_turbo at yahoo.co.uk writes:

> Head gaskets kept blowing for a variety of reasons. Mainly, diesel fuel 
> in the 70s was crap and contained a bunch of water. GM built the cars 
> without a water separator, and water would rust the steel internals of 
> the fuel system. Rusted injectors would result in erratic operation.

 I strongly agree with everything you said except that the diesel 
had a bunch of water in it in the 80's???  The 6.2 used basically 
the same fuel filter as the 5.7 btw.  Those filters did rust too.  No
"water seperator" but the filter is made to do that, just as our 
VW's fuel filter.  They just put a drain in most of the replacement 
VW filters.  I've seen them without.
  Water into an injector tends to lock it up or blow the tip.  Either 
way the engine is unlikely to run worth beans before it has much 
chance to blow a gasket.  Rust can however get into the IP, 
settles to the bottom jamming up the timing advance piston, 
clogging the return check ball, etc.  BTDT on my 6.2.  Never 
had any get into the injectors though.
  Most of the blown head gaskets I saw were from people that just 
couldn't seem to understand why you'd need TWO good batteries 
so they'd put in lower CCA batteries or a lower rad hose heater, 
boil water out of the system and end up overheating them.

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