[Vwdiesel] Glow Plug Indicator Light

Gary Bangs gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Fri May 30 04:22:44 PDT 2008

Bad sensor, or bad connection to sensor. I just had this happen on my 
pickup. My sensor was bad.

My specific symptoms were that the glows were not staying on long 
enough. Disconnected the sensor wire, and they would stay on too 
long(past starting). I took advantage of the situation to upgrade to a 
fast glow system from the older slow glow. Yes, I was a hold out.


Craig Osborn wrote:
> Once again, returning to my favorite group of people to help me solve a
> problem!
> My 81 recently started doing a peculiar thing.  The yellow glow plug
> indicator light will light when the ignition key is turned, but will NEVER
> turn off until the engine is started.  The engine will start (even in cold
> temperatures) in the usual manner if I wait for a period of time equivalent
> to the time in the past when it was functioning properly.  After the engine
> is started, the yellow indicator light will turn off.
> It acts the same way even if the engine is at normal operating temperature
> and I perform a restart.
> I replaced the glow plug relay with a new one and it did not fix the
> condition.  Any suggestions?
> Craig Osborn
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