[Vwdiesel] 1.9 TD AAZ problems?-Travis G

Stephen Kraus ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com
Fri May 30 11:23:17 PDT 2008

Have you repalced the crankshaft bearings?

On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 2:22 PM, travis gottschalk <tgott at hotmail.com>

> I have read a couple of people have had problems with the 1.9 TD AAZ engine
> spinning on the crank and ruining the engine. Is this a really common
> problem that almost all of these engines will eventually do? Is there a way
> to fix this other then machining for a tdi crank gear like maybe lock tight
> or something? Also, is there any other problems I need to be concerned with
> and what can I do to fix these problems and what do I look for to detect the
> problems. I was also wondering what kind of glow plugs are in the 1.9. I am
> using this engine in my 81 rabbit that was set up with fast glow plugs. Will
> that relay work or do I need a slow glow plug relay. What are the glow plug
> part numbers to replace them and what is the relay number if I need to
> replace that to match the glow plugs. I am doing an engine swap and can't
> afford much if any down time as this is my work car. The engine that is in
> it works for now so I can work on the 1.9 to prepare for the install but
> once I start I need to finish and can't wait for things like glow plugs,
> etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Do this need valve adjustments
> ever and do they blow head gaskets. Is 50,000 miles the standard replacement
> time for the timing belt. Will these engines take the same oil filter as the
> 1.6 NA. I know I can find the long life oil filter for the 1.6 through
> amsoil but I can't find one for the 1.9 so this is why I would like the 1.6
> filter to work on it.
> Travis G
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Stephen T. Kraus Jr.
Home: (423)326-9359
UB3RATL4Sf00 at gmail.com;

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