[Vwdiesel] Bad Starting

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Sun Nov 2 08:16:25 PST 2008

First check your glow plugs, or just replace them if it's been a few
years.  I could get the little truck started with one or two plugs
burned out, but it ran like it was missing a cylinder, but when it got
cold I couldn't even start it plugged in.  Four new plugs and it's
starting better than the 94 Jetta.  Oh yeah, it's -1F (-18C) right

Check the easy things first.

Will in Alaska.

On Sat, 2008-11-01 at 23:22 +0000, Iain Hunter wrote:
> Hello.
> My name is Iain Hunter and I live in the UK. I drive an '85 Transporter (vanagon) with a stock 1.6 TD engine. Recently, as the weather has dropped below freezing, the van fails to tick-over once started and usually stalls shortly afterwards, even under throttle. Even if I manage to keep the engine running, she cuts out as soon as the motor is placed under any load. It's as if the engine is running on 3 cylinders. 
> Up until the cold weather, she has been absolutely fine and has started and ran without any problems. Is it possible that an injector has just suddenly failed without warning, or is it more likely pump timing?
> I realise that this engine was not offered in the U.S, but as far as I am aware, it is the same motor as offered in other models that were. I would appreciate any help on the matter.
> Cheers.
> Iain.H
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