[Vwdiesel] mpg

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Wed Nov 19 22:11:40 PST 2008

In a message dated 11/19/2008 11:47:50 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
pila47 at yahoo.com writes:

> if u r in the left lane going slow you'll get a moving violation
> ticket for "obstructing traffic". Generally seems to work pretty well.

  Not here.  I've seen cars hold up 15+ cars including a State 
Patrol officer.  He didn't even look at them funny as he went by, 
after they FINALLY hit a truck lane.  They passed up a driving 
on shoulder permitted area, pull out area, etc. 
  I've never heard of ANYBODY getting an "impeding traffic" or similar 
citation in WA.  Closest is too fast for conditions, which they use 
when they want to issue a citation but the speed doesn't warrant 
it.  (even if the car is in complete control.)

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