[Vwdiesel] resealing a pump - oring material

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Mon Nov 24 19:08:55 PST 2008

you have to have a look at them.
Buna-N is usually black, Viton is green or close to that.

MLightner wrote:
> </delurk mode on>
> Hooray!.., after many moons of false-starts getting my 85 Jetta turbo 
> diesel road worthy, I've now been driving it going on 4 months 
> (relatively trouble-free, I might add).  While I was in o-ring limbo
> for those many months, (not to mention being nearly penniless), I was 
> unable to get any info from the closest authorized bosch service center 
> as to the actual material that the o-rings are made of, nor any 
> suggestions as to the suitability of using them with bio-diesel - this 
> was on the Bosch o-ring kit #'d DGK 126.
>   I also ended up getting a couple kits that are made (or packaged) by 
> Dipaco, anyone heard of them?  The part # is DPE 60209.  They at least 
> mentioned bio-diesel; they recommend not to use with concentrations of 
> greater than 5 percent, or sealing may be compromised over time (or some 
> such convoluted disclaimer).
> Just wondering if any one had any better info
> </delurk mode off >
> Mike in NC
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