[Vwdiesel] I really enjoy this blog

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Nov 27 09:01:14 PST 2008

In a message dated 11/27/2008 7:33:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
awaytothesea at yahoo.com writes:

> I have a quick question for Roger and Loren: Do you guys have a "day" job 
> as well as helping people out on this site? I really appreciate your knowledge 
> of VW diesels and enjoy this site, and thankfully have no VW diesel 
> questions plaguing me at the moment.
> Caleb Van Dyke

  I'm an independent carpet and vinyl installer.  For the last month 
or more this "terrible" economy has had me working some really 
long days!  In my "spare" time I keep the local four lane bowling 
alley working, help Dad with his projects, stuff on the orchard, and 
my wife occasionally with stuff at work.  She manages the Pizza 
place attached to the bowlling alley www.briansbulldogpizza.com 
Then in my free time I try to take care of various, smaller, car 
maintenance stuff.  I pop in here usually during commercials.  Keeps 
me in contact with the real world!  ;-)

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