[Vwdiesel] Suggestions for 2003 VW Golf TDI parts query

chrisp at popstar.com chrisp at popstar.com
Fri Oct 10 18:22:51 PDT 2008

Hello list. I am having some work done on my '03 Golf TDI and wanted to ask for some suggestions on replacement parts in terms of type/brand, etc. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated. Also, any tips on where to pick up the parts - whether it be locally or online - would be helpful! I am having a local and independent shop (in NC) do the t-belt, front brake pads, and front struts. Thinking about glow plugs as well because I don't know how long it's been since they've been replaced. I'm starting to run a biodiesel blend (B25+) and would like to do some fuel system treatments before I change out the fuel filter. So, here's my short list:

t-belt kit: OEM or aftermarket?
brake pads: ceramic or stock? (was recommended akebono and bendix)
front struts: brand? gas/oil?
glow plugs: brand?
diesel fuel system treatment: stanadyne or redline? others?

Thanks for the help in advance.
Cheers, Christopher

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