[Vwdiesel] Biodiesel Questions

decker at toledotel.com decker at toledotel.com
Sun Oct 12 20:09:37 PDT 2008

 Hi Brian
    Using gasoline to keep diesel fuel from jelling was a well established
procedure. While it is probably true that newer manufactures warrantees may
well be voided by the use of gasoline to prevent number 2 diesel that hasn't
been winterized from jelling it certainly wasn't true of Volkswagen in the
Rabbit days. I have in front of me the owners manuals for my 1981 VW Dasher
diesel and my 1981 VW Rabbit pickup and both say if winterized number 2
diesel isn't available to mix regular gas up to 25% if the temperature is
below 7 degrees F or -14 C. It gives a table that says if the tank is empty
on the Dasher use 3 gallons and then fill with diesel and on the pickup
which has a larger tank use 3.8 gallons if empty and fill with diesel. I
also years ago had a 1962 1.8 Mercedes diesel and it as I remember Mercedes
recommended mixing up to 25% gasoline at very cold temperatures. I also know
people that are running filtered waste veggie oil in standard automotive
diesels and they have various formulas for volatile liquids to cut it but
the primary thing they use they call RUG which is regular unleaded gasoline.
Now I don't recommend that but it is being done.
Brian Decker
Western Washington
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "brian gochnauer" <brian at gochnauer.net>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Biodiesel Questions

> although it may work short term or in a pinch, it is a reallly bad idea in
> general. imho
> The fuel system (injection pump, and 200-600 psi charge pumps) depends on
> the lubricity of the fuel and gasoline not only dilutes but removes like a
> solvent, much of those properties.
> And voids all manufacturer warranties.
> On 10/12/08, LBaird119 at aol.com <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:
> >
> > Maybe I'm daft but how about a gallon of gasoline/tank?  That's
> > what I use for #2 diesel, it's listed in the Rabbit owner's manual
> > and I was one of the few cars running cross country one winter
> > when nighttime temperatures were near -30F!  I had a LOT of
> > people along that trip tell me I couldn't do that as they were
> > buying more Power Service and other additives as they were
> > gelled up on the side of the road.  I tend to wonder who is right
> > when I'm running and they're not!  I did pick up some PS to aid in
> > lubricity (assuming it helps with that).  I presume gas will thin
> > bio just as well as it does #2.
> > If your #2 gells at 25F and your #1 gells at 5F then a 50/50 mix
> > is still only good to 15F.  In a 12 or so gallon tank, 2 gallons of
> > gas will get you to about -30F!
> > Just my thoughts...
> >     Loren
> >
> >

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