[Vwdiesel] 1.6 NA SWAP

actsiser actsiser at resist.ca
Wed Oct 22 21:59:47 PDT 2008

In swapping over the throttle cable to the new pump.  I
notice that it 
appears that whoever removed the engine from the donor
car removed the lever that bolts onto the spring loaded
throttle control on the injection pump.  So I figured I
just replace that unit, with the levers from the pump on
the blown engine, but the spring loaded post is quite a
bit longer, and has a different degree of bend.  I
understand that there are several styles of throttle
linkage that were manufactured on these pumps, but that
otherwise the pumps are the same.
and so I would need to switch over the whole
post, spring(s) and lever assembly. as long as I preserve
the alignment of the levers, will I mess anything up by
switching over the posts. It seems like when I back the
nut off the top and remove the lever, the springs will
relax their tension, and it will be a mess to get back to
the proper alignment and tension? any tips?


actsiser at resist.ca

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