[Vwdiesel] Water pump replacement

Erik Lane eriklane at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 21:06:09 PDT 2008

The hub size is the diameter of that part of the pump that sticks
through the pulley, in mm. I don't remember if the smaller one is 30mm
and the larger one is 40? Maybe 40 and 50? But you can just measure it
with everything still on the car.

Commissioning steam boilers? What's your job? I've spent some time as
a stationary engineer and playing with steam boilers... :) I have a
feeling you know it much more in depth than I do though.


On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 8:50 PM, Terry Briggs <vbriggs at stny.rr.com> wrote:
> great, I was looking at my donor motor yesterday and just didn't see
> how it could come off without messing with the timing belt. I was going
> to use that pump until I could get a new one but see that autozone has
> them for $40, I just need to get the old one off and see what hub size
> it is. I may just wait and have the timing belt and pump changed at the
> same time. I can do it myself, I just don't have that much free time
> since wen started commisioning 2 new high pressure steam boilers at
> work.
> On Aug 31, 2008, at 4:23 PM, Erik Lane wrote:
>> You could go one of two ways - either you can
>> 1 - remove the alternator and the bracket and then pull off the water
>> pump with the housing. If you have A/C then that needs to come off, or
>> at least out of the way as well.
>> or
>> 2 - remove the timing belt and then the intermediate shaft pulley
>> which then allows you to pull off the water pump without removing the
>> pump housing.
>> Of course with both ways the accessory belt(s) needs to come off, and
>> to remove the timing belt the covers both have to come off first. The
>> water pump pulley also gets taken off and put back on the new pump.
>> Should also replace the thermostat at the same time, but that's a
>> piece of cake - just two bolts and work the housing for it off.
>> Just depends on what else needs to be done for which way would make
>> more sense.
>> Erik
>> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 1:02 PM, Terry Briggs <vbriggs at stny.rr.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm going to change the water pump on my '85 jetta n/a and I can't
>>> find
>>> my bentley, what all has to come off in order to replace it.
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