[Vwdiesel] More Quantum Questions?

Gerry Wolfe GerryWolfe at shaw.ca
Wed Sep 3 21:31:22 PDT 2008

Lubrimoly (sp?) makes a product called "diesel purge".  I understand it is 
designed specifically for cleaning diesel injectors.

If they are in bad shape, you disconnect the diesel fuel lines and run it 
100% at a standstill until exhausted.  Or, dump into the fuel tank 
periodically for preventative maintenance, maybe annually.  Instructions are 
on the can.

I have heard that ATF will also clean injectors, but it is not a lubricant 
so could do bad stuff to the pump.

rgds, g.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mikitka" <mikitka at embarqmail.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] More Quantum Questions?

> The AMSOIL Diesel Fuel Modifier can't hurt if cleaning is what they need. 
> I
> have had several customers that love that stuff.
> Nick
>> What would you recommend for cleaning the injectors? Haven't had time to
>> check out the other suggestions yet but intend to do so. I have some
> "Amsoil
>> Diesel fuel Modifier" which I plan to add. Have also heard automatic
>> transmission fluid is good for this.
>  Simple.  New nozzles.  They're reasonably cheap to DIY but it takes
> a few steps to get leak free ones.  A tester is REALLY handy to
> make sure they need it first and shoot right when done as well.
> Hunting for a good price on rebuilds is often the wise thing to do.
>  I wouldnt' expect bad nozzles to make an overheating issue
> though. It WILL sure make them burn hotter but a friend just
> went through the whole cooling system a couple times plus I don't
> know what all else.  Found out his tire pressure was below 20psi.
> Aired up the tires and no more overheating!
>    Loren
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