[Vwdiesel] More Quantum Questions?

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Wed Sep 3 22:31:29 PDT 2008

In a message dated 9/3/2008 10:04:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
GerryWolfe at shaw.ca writes:

> If they are in bad shape, you disconnect the diesel fuel lines and run it 
> 100% at a standstill until exhausted.  Or, dump into the fuel tank 
> periodically for preventative maintenance, maybe annually.  Instructions are 
> on the can.

  Problem is that if the injectors are in bad shape from wear/miles 
then they'll still be in bad shape.  They might shoot better and 
run better but the mist droplet size will still be drastically bigger 
and efficiency will suffer.  
  Bluntly, if the injectors are over 80K old and you have reason to 
suspect the injectors, simply replace them.  They ARE worn and
even if they're not bad, they're not good.  :-)

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