[Vwdiesel] Starting problem

Dave Cook davevw at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 16 10:43:19 PDT 2008

When I did my diesel conversion, I just lengthened the 12v lead from the ignition coil to reach the stop solenoid.  That seemed to have power the whole time the key was in start or run.

Dave Cook

--- On Tue, 9/16/08, Sandy Cameron <scameron at storm.ca> wrote:

> From: Sandy Cameron <scameron at storm.ca>
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Starting problem
> To: vwdiesel at audifans.com
> Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 2:57 PM
> >-j
> >> It's got to be a problem (intermittent) with
> the ignition switch, or a relay
> >> controlled by it.
> >> 
> >> 
> Lets take this a little further.
> When the ignition sw is turned to the crank position, it
> also has to
> maintain power to the run solenoid on the pump to permit a
> start..
> Then when released to the run position, still has to
> maintain power to the
> pump  without a break as it moves to "run"
> Typically, all accesory loads, heater fan, radio, lights,
> etc go off while
> cranking, then come back on in "run"
> What you describe is like a loss of contact in the
> transition from crank to run.
> Give it a shot of WD40
> Someone mentioned that the older ( pre-computer) gassers
> often used a
> contact on the switch that shorts out a ballast resistor in
> series with the
> wire to the ignition coil during crank. . This could
> produce complications
> in the diesel conversion if those 2 contacts were not wired
> together at the
> switch during the conversion.
> If the truck is a bush beater, Just wire a hot wire (thru a
> small fuse) to a
> "stop-go" switch in the cab, then to the pump.
> Then you can leave it running
> at the beer store, with the steering locked and the key
> removed to prevent
> opportunistic borrowing.
> In alaska, I would think this arrangement would be standard
> equipment, as it
> is in parts of (shiver) Canada in the winter months.
> Not knowing the vehicle, and the fact that it's a
> diesel conversion of a
> gasser, there are probably relays Perhaps even a (heaven
> help us) computer
> still lurking in the woodwork.
> Find the wire on the back of the ign switch that goes to
> the pump to hold it
> on, and see if the switch transits from crank to run
> without a break.
> Sandy
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