[Vwdiesel] 1981 Rabbit pick-up rear axle wheel bearings question

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 17 19:47:04 PDT 2008

You have pretty well described exactly as I do it. What was shown to me 
years ago (and I've done it this was since) is to tightne the nut with a 
wrentch, just bearely. Then, loosen it, and tighten the nut hand-tight. 
There is a very slight bit of play when it's done. Not enough to notice at 
the rotor, but enough for the wheel to ever so slightly move. If they are 
too tight, it will wear into the race prematurely. If they are too loose, 
the wheel will move back and forth, puting stress on one spot of the 
bearing, and probably chipping it to where it will eventually gall and 
become noisy.

The front bearings are of a different design altogether.

----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: [Vwdiesel] 1981 Rabbit pick-up rear axle wheel bearings question

Today I was checking my rear wheel bearings on my 1981 Rabbit pick-up after 
replacing them about 500 miles ago, and I noticed I can move the wheels in 
and out just a bit when I take the top and pull it out then push it back in, 
almost like there is some play there. According to my Haynes manual, it says 
to tighten the nut on the bearing while turning the hub, then to back off 
the nut again, then to tighten the nut enough to just move (or turn the 
washer the manual says) the thrust washer (one that nut tightens onto) with 
a screwdriver. To be able to do this I can only finger tighten the nut which 
makes the wheel seem to be loose as I described above where I can feel a bit 
of "play". The manual says I shouldn't be able to move it in and out at all, 
but to be able to move or turn the thrust washer I can only finger tighten 
the nut as tight as I can get it. Does this sound right? My front bearings 
don't do this at all, although I know they are sealed


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