[Vwdiesel] 81 Rabbit electrical woes

Rolf Pechukas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Fri Sep 19 10:43:21 PDT 2008

hi Roger
I get +13v with tester grounded to the *head* and direct jumper from  
batt to GP bar, so GPs should be getting good juice
any thoughts on ether/starting fluid as a stop-gap measure until my  
new plugs get here on the 25th?
or plugging in the heater overnight? (not going to get the combustion  
chambers hot)

On Sep 19, 2008, at 1:27 PM, Roger Brown wrote:

> Rolf Pechukas wrote:
>>> Are you getting any sparking when you touch the battery cable to the
>>> glow plugs?
>> no
>> what does that mean?
>> bad ground??
>> bad plug(s)?
> No spark = no current = an open some place.  Since the head and  
> block are grounded (or should be), then it is likely the plugs that  
> are burned out.  One quick check would be to take a battery jumper  
> cable and connect the battery - post to the head and try the + to  
> the plugs.
> -- 
>  Roger

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