[Vwdiesel] Windshield gasket chrome strip

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Sat Sep 27 04:50:38 PDT 2008

I've installed a few windshields in the past of varying vintage that 
had lock strips, about the only way to do it without taking a hammer to 
it is to install the strip first , then put the windshield in, using 
some good nylon cord and a lot of lube.
On Sep 26, 2008, at 12:50 AM, William J Toensing wrote:

> Craig Osborn, where were you able to buy that new chrome strip? I need 
> one for my '82 Quantum TD. The glass installer who installed the new 
> windshield on my Quantum said that chrome strip is what he calls a 
> "lock strip" which is necessary to lock the windshield in place. Mine 
> is in pieces, looks shabby, & I would like to replace it.
> As to installing your lock strip, have you tried silicon spray, soapy 
> water? When the installer installed the new glass, he just pushed it 
> in the crease in the windshield gasket. If you were able to find a new 
> windshield gasket, does it have a crease where you can install the 
> lock strip?
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