[Vwdiesel] Bad experience on TDI club

dieseltdi at verizon.net dieseltdi at verizon.net
Fri Apr 3 17:26:48 PDT 2009

You know sometimes people can be such a**holes.  I spent over 2 hours  
last weekend searching for information on the TDI club forums  
regarding the PD engine cam wear problem.  Unfortunately, all I kept  
finding were idiots arguing over who's fault the problem was and  
making statements based on opinion instead of facts and pushing one  
kind of oil over another or some kind of snake oil additive.  Out of  
desperation, I posted asking three questions:  What are the symptoms  
in a running engine?  What should I expect to see with the valve cover  
off?  and, What parts are necessary to fix the problem and who has  
them? I also posted that I didn't want to hear opinions on oil,  
workmanship or biodiesel, just the facts. 2 days and over 100 views  
later, nothing, not a single whisper of effort to help me.  So I  
posted a follow-up complaining about the lack of help.  Well the sh*t  
hit the fan.  I was accused of everything south of being a Nazi.  How  
dare I expect someone to help me after my nasty post.  How dare I  
expect any of the high and mighty to bend down and extend a hand.   
Certainly I should prostrate myself and ask forgiveness from the TDI  
gods on the list for my perfectly bad attitude before I should expect  
help.  Finally I was able to get some help so if any of you guys need  
information on the PD cam wear problem, I can send you the information  
that I have.  I guess I will simply remove TDI club from my preferred  
websites.   Seems to have been taken over by huge egos and ricer  
inspired power jockeys instead of the helpful place it used to be.   
There are literally thousands of posts arguing over oil types!!!!   
Can't stomach the infighting any longer.  Needless to say, I won't be  
recommending the TDI club anymore.  Thanks to all you guys on these  
lists that jump in immediately to help other folks out.  I hope I can  
be of help from time to time as needed.  I am no expert but I have  
played one in my garage and driveway from time to time!  ;^)

BTW for any of you interested in Air Cooled VWs, you can follow the  
progress of my restoration of my 68 bug on my website listed below.

" Those who are willing to sacrifice Liberty for Security, deserve  
neither Liberty nor Security."  Ben Franklin

Visit my website at:  http://mysite.verizon.net/resosxp8/mydieselpages/
Proud owner of:
2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee CRD, K&N Filter
2004 Jetta GL PD TDI, Inmotion Tuning Stage 1 Tuning, K&N Filter,  
ScanGauge II
1968 Beetle, my latest project, watch for details
And many, many, many VWs; from a 1946 Beetle (13 Beetles total), to  
Vans (5 - 3 splitties, 2 bay window (both were campers), 1 Vanagon  
Westy, Rabbits (3), Karmen Ghia (1), Jettas (7), Passats (2), Dasher  
(1), New Beetle (1), and Rabbit Pickups (3) most now gone but not  

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